Reflecting instant

I keep saying… To be ahead of your time, take a moment to slow down, leave your tech tools aside and enjoy the JOMO, yeap the Joy Of Missing Out. It is so easy to just rush and do and act and rush. Mixing out the reward of completing a task and the stress to be overwhelmed or completely in the wrong direction. Reading step back, that small book on moments of reflection, was a joy. Reviewing all these tips on how we can reflect, and removing some of the bias on how it has to be done.. Great news, no unique fit, but plenty of different ones, like these small posts… They are ways of reflecting, they are these few minutes when the movie is paused, me and my many personalities we stepped out of the scene and take a moment to talk to producers, cameramen, sound engineers checking a bit where that scenarios may be taking us, or simply celebrating with a vanilla coffee or a virgin mojito (yeap reducing alcohol intake amount, summer is coming 😅, all the stories already written 😁. Happy reflecting instant !

1, 2, 3…

I yawn —I know, I know, it’s not rhyming, what do you think? way too late know to make it work… to climb a tree… 4, 5, 6…

I yawn again… Is there a message here? Of course not. Why do we always look for message, I challenge you – say the drunken man- to see events only as facts and not messages, still I won’t stay awake by eating chips, we all know that’s a quick fix while my yawning is much more into night politics. 7, 8, 9…

The tree was pine, the chips with wine and the politics in full decline. 10, 11, 12…

Damn… with that number for sure it’s empty in the shelves! Bye bye the Elves.

Taking back my pen

A bit more of 2 months of silence, and before that nearly 6 months of silence… I knew I had to do something, find the thief who had robbed me my pen(s)… indeed pens, a blue, a black, a green, a transparent, a Dark Vader one, a red -bright red of course like eyes who have just cried. Why are people afraid of tears? The beauty of the expression of the emotions, the beauty to know one can feel an emotion, the beauty to know that emotion exists. Okay, okay, I hear you. The weight of sadness. And maybe this is the freedom, seeing behind the weight of sadness the joy of know how difficult it is to miss someone, and with that knowing the joy of spending time with that person. And no, this is not a love story. This is just a human story. So many ways to miss someone, so many ways to like and love someone. I am glad we are having this conversation reader; loneliness had stolen my pen, the blue one; overwork has stolen another one, the rainbow one; anger had borrowed the red ones, but… passion took it back, passion for what I am doing, helping people to change their perspectives, unboxing their mind with self-leadership, and this new idea of mind, implementing this state of the “curious mind” every single day #pausequestionthinkdifferent. Let’s pause then and question, what do you want to talk about next reader?

Lost souls

There are so many ways to lose a soul… Facing utmost boredom. Going to a supermarket on a Saturday afternoon. Falling in love – at least I’ve heard. Loneliness. Crowdiness. Listening for the third time to the same explanation you could not understand the first time… And the question of course is not how to lose it, rather how to keep it, your soul glued to your own body, hopefully. No, glue does not work, just got messy. A leash is the best I could do. One of these long extendable leashes which can let my soul hikes in the meanders of my thoughts with its puppy eyes, sniffing at every bits of desperation and hope.

Slow is the word

Yes. Slow. Walk slowly along the path and appreciate each of its steps. Look at it curiously, eyes open to its beauty and its potential. Take the time to try, to experiment and to reflect on what you’re doing. Kind of like looking at the sunset or sunrise at the horizons every day. At your horizons, the ones you want to reach some day. Slow and strong.

On the edge of surprises …

Keeping our heart open to the possibilities, living just there on the edge of surprises? Surprises of what could come next? Surprises of a possible pain and behind it the joy to have learned something new, to have dance one step up? Open is not the world, rather huge, wide, immense, a heart so full of space, the world could collapse here an now, in its center. Oh, keeping our heart taking space, visible just there on the edge of surprises. A heart with a voice. Proud to finally speak, truly speak, even when no one listen, just there on the edge of surprises…

Confidence and ignorance?

This is the best, honoring happily a true confidence in my ignorance, and with my ignorance. The more I know, the more I realize I do not know, and the more I have to learn. This is something completely amazing I got from coaching supervision, this delight in learning more and more. This pleasure in knowing that I will always be able to find people who know more than me, people who can inspire me and keep me on my toes. Ah! Simply enjoying a true confidence in my ignorance!

From trail to brain …

23km running and moving on happily to another 9km aiming for 32. What if the count is wrong, and I do bit more. I guess just a few more km, just a few more muscle movement, one foot after another on the ground. Probably slower. It’s an action, an exercise for my brain. From sports to trail to my brain, discovering another form of minimalism, and an interesting strength, one foot after the other one, as simple as one day after the other one, but always in movement, always stepping up.

The elephant is back… again!

40 something drawing figurative art in kids naive style -yeap happy instagram. And you call that maturity, adulthood, evolution? Is that the luxury to know the kid -and beginner spirit with it- is always here? is that the luxury of resting your brain in just being, no judgements, no objectives, no comments? A luxury…. a luxury of letting go. A pen, a color, a paper, and that’s it. And yes I see the elephant laughing. I see the elephant pushing me into incoherent reactions. Fuck the elephant! All of them! As simple as that!

Motivation ?…

Can coaches motivate their clients? Can you motivate yourself when you do not see the point or the value added? Or… You actually see it. You see the stakes and the possibilities… And still you’re so far down the line you can’t even be bothered? Are they really possibilities then? Or simply another card hand dealt onto you for a game you do not even want to play…? And yes all that from a simple word… Motivation : a.k.a. Mind your Own Time Idea Validation Again To Inspire Others Now. Get cracking then and for things which really matters to you.